Cinu Pupurin

"Tell me, what's your most memorable moment from your adventures?"

About Cilly Cinu

♦ 22+ | ♀
♢ Enjoys adventuring and cooking
♦ Pretty goofy/has doggo brain
♢ Casual/Slice of Life RP (improv)
♦ Nothing is as it seems. . .

The Brightest Shard

Note!: Her lore is a bit of a wip and is usually filled the more she RPs!
Avoid reading if you'd like to learn in game for a genuine experience ♥

Cinu Pupurin is the name given to this spunky little Miqo! She doesn't know much of her past, only that she has a twin brother and had mostly been raised around Costa del Sol. Her late mother's cooking is what inspired Cinu to pursue being the best culinarian in hopes of sharing the feeling of love and comfort through food to everyone in Eorzea!As bright and cheerful as she is though, not everything is as it seems. On one of her ingredient runs in the markets of Ul'dah, she heard a faint voice calling to her. Curious by nature, she follows the voice that ends up leading her to one of the stalls; a shiny crystal displaying. The faint voice from earlier got louder as she got closer and her mind was filled with a whirlwind of words she couldn't keep up with before landing on the phrase: Liberame. Cinu then used what all gil she had to buy off this crystal, changing her normal life from then on. . .Nowadays, Cinu spends most of her time fulfilling tasks for her mentor Mistress Velvette. It's pretty normal stuff such as cleaning the stables, helping others in the field, and managing the FC Café to name a few. When not being a hostess, Cinu would use her free time to go out and explore the neighboring cities to find exciting and fun places, adventures, and possibly make a few friends along the way!


Here are some topics that can help break the ice~ ♥
• tbe
• tbe
• tbe
• tbe
